Friday, January 26, 2007


Belch, burp, ructus, sedawa or отрыжка - is the act of emitting gas noisily from the stomach through our mouth and nose.

Eructation is the term used which describes the production of gas in the stomach with sound. For belching to occur, there must be an increase in gastric pressure followed by the relaxation of lower esophagus sphincter to balance the pressure in the stomach and esophagus. Relaxation of the upper esophagus sphincter allows the gas to escape though pharynx and mouth.

Belching may be caused by gastric fermentation, air swallowing, or ingestion of carbonated drinks or gas-producing foods (eg. cabbage, beans). Also you’ll get it by chewing gums and drinking with straw. You can find lots more information and links at Wikipedia about eructation.

Reference: Taber’s

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