Monday, July 16, 2007

Regarding NOC

Salam and hello to everyone.

Hi! Ape buat cuti-cuti ni? Haha! Okay. Back to business.

I went to the JPA office in Putrajaya today and met with our Cik Azlina in person to give her my documents by hand. Do you remember that bunch of documents we filled in while we were still in Volgo? Well, apparently some of us (including myself) had forgotten to place a signature on a teeny weeny part of the "Surat Akuan Penaja" therefore I would advise EVERYONE to be present at the JPA office to sign this teeny weeny part and thus, give the documents asked by hand.

Also, while I was there, Cik Azliza had asked me to fax her a copy of birth certificate (certified true copy - do it the usual way like we always do, you know the whole pegawai kerajaan or whoever thing? If tak faham just private message me on friendster or YM) and a copy of "surat tawaran JPA" (if it is misplaced or destroyed in the washer machine, fret not! I'm sure they keep a copy.)

I'm not sure if ALL of you have submitted the above 2 extra documents before this (meaning together with the stuff we filled in while we were still in Volgo but I'm guessing no, because well, I hadn't! which I'm sure if at least one of us had, we all should know.) So JUST IN CASE, please insert those 2 extra documents along if you still plan to submit everything by pos laju. (But seriously, I think it's way better to submit by hand.)

So, if I may, this is the latest update for you know, "NOC":

  1. Original SPM cert + 3 photostated copy
  2. Original INTEC cert + 3 photostated copy (kalau takde, takyah.)
  3. Original "Sijil berhenti sekolah" + 3 photostated copy
  4. 1 copy of front page of new passport
  5. 1 copy of yellow visa (in the passport)
  6. 1 copy (actually I'm not sure how many copies but let's give them 3 for fun shall we?) of birth cert (certified true copy)
  7. 1 copy (let's give them 3!) of "Surat tawaran JPA" (if you still have it)
I guess that's all from me. It would be very helpful if you could just spread the word around. Thanks! Good luck!

P/S: It would be wise to provide a simple but full information on how JPA can contact you, i.e write your name, university, what year, home address, NEW phone numbers on a piece of A4 and paperclip it together with the rest of the documents. This is not obligatory. I'm just suggesting..



Anonymous said...

thanks for the useful info (even though i did go to Putrajaya and dealt with all those stuff without referring to your announcement first. ( kudos to my dad who did most of the part! yay!)

Khairul Mohd Khalid said...

senang2 korang pegi je trus kat pejabat cik azliza, tp cam aku, aku call je ok. nnt die bgtau ar camne nk wat.