Friday, March 30, 2007

Weekly Topics 3Y2S08W

What I have learnt on the 8th week (26/03/07-31/03/07)

1. Vital Functions. Their disturbances. (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Scalp Puncture (Operative Surgery)
3. Liver Disease (PatAnat)
4. Холецистит Part II (Russian)
5. Lect : Cardiology (Radiology)
6. Lymphatic Disease (PatPhys)
7. Food : Experiment (General Hygiene)
8. Lect : Nephrology (Therapy)
9. Operation Day (Operative Surgery)
10. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas (Therapy)
11. Lect : Vitamins (General Hygiene)
12. Lung Fields (Radiology)
13. Vitamins and Enzymes (Pharmacology)
14. Возвратные Глаголы (Russian)

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