Hello. It's been a while. I hope people still come here. Lol. Anyway..
AMBULATORNIE PRACTICAL DIARY (5th year sem 1) - get them here.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Senarai Tramvai dan Trolley bus
Download la file kat bawah, ada senarai semua no. tramvai dan trolleybus kat Volgograd, plus routes dieorg skali ...
1. Tramvai
2. Trolley bus
Sekian ...
1. Tramvai
2. Trolley bus
Sekian ...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Cara Tukar Tarif МТС
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Khasiat Tomato

Tomato tidak mempunyai khasiat sebanyak sayur-sayuran yang lain. Namun kandungan Vitamin C yang tinggi menjadikannya salah-satu hybrid antara buah dan sayuran ini, berguna kepada kita. Selain bertindak sebagai antioksidan, Vitamin C juga membantu penyerapan ‘iron’.
Tomato tidak menggemukkan ! 100 g tomato hanya mengandungi lebih kurang 21 kalori dan ini menjadikannya teman kepada sesiapa yang nak kuruskan badan.
Kandungan airnya yang tinggi, lebih dari 90 %, menjadikannya sebagai ‘diuretic’ yang baik untuk mengalirkan toksin keluar daripada badan ketika berdiet.
Acidosis yang sering kali memberi kesan seperti pening kepala, cepat lesu, insomnia, sakit otot dan lain-lain dapat disembuhkan dengan memakan tomato ; tomato mempunyai kuasa pengalkalian (tapi tembikai lagi tinggila pH dia).
Warna merah tomato adalah disebabkan kandungan lycopene. Lycopene bertindak sebagai antioksidan, dan kajian terbaru menunjukkan ia juga berfungsi sebagai antikanser (terutamanya kanser prostat). Lycopene cepat termusnah dibawah pengaruh haba, jadi lebih elok kita makan tomato tanpa dimasak.
P/S : Makanlah tomato !
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Malam Wasilah ke Syurga 2007
Aturcara Majlis :
mula pkul 6 dah berkumpul kat dewan..
then buka puasa dgn kurma dan air
sembahyang maghrib jemaah
then berbuka berat ramai2
after that ada terawih
lepas terawih ada forum..
ada minum malam lps forum
then habis utk malam tuh
sape yg stay esok pagi ada sahur, then qiam then subuh, then kuliah subuh
cmtuh lar secara ringkas
Di atas adalah dialog ringkas antara aku ngan Fadly
P/S : Datanglah beramai-ramai ke majlis ini ! Semoga diberkati Allah
mula pkul 6 dah berkumpul kat dewan..
then buka puasa dgn kurma dan air
sembahyang maghrib jemaah
then berbuka berat ramai2
after that ada terawih
lepas terawih ada forum..
ada minum malam lps forum
then habis utk malam tuh
sape yg stay esok pagi ada sahur, then qiam then subuh, then kuliah subuh
cmtuh lar secara ringkas
Di atas adalah dialog ringkas antara aku ngan Fadly
P/S : Datanglah beramai-ramai ke majlis ini ! Semoga diberkati Allah
Saturday, September 29, 2007
PriceGuide in Volgograd
You can check the price of some stuff at www.price.ru ... Make sure you select Volgograd as your city.
Try this site as well : www.gorod34.ru
Try this site as well : www.gorod34.ru
Friday, September 28, 2007
Transportation in Volgograd
Check this website out ... Very informative to make our journey brief enough in Volgograd : )
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Dont's After a Meal
7 dont's after a meal :
1. Don't smoke - Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).
2. Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hrs after meal or 1hr before meal..
3. Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid.This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
4. Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
5. Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6. Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
7. Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
Source : Doubtful !!!
1. Don't smoke - Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).
2. Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hrs after meal or 1hr before meal..
3. Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid.This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
4. Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
5. Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
6. Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
7. Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
Source : Doubtful !!!
Type O
TYPE O : Type of Foods
I am in O-blood group, so at first, I will start with this primordial type of blood. Lot of researchers are currently studying the relationship between diet and individual types of blood. One of them is Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo ... I just read his book entitled ‘Eat Right for Your Type’ and all the information in this article are the extraction from his writings. So let’s begin ...
One thing that you should have known is O-blood people are susceptible to and having a high risk of developing peptic ulcer (mainly gastric ulcer).
In a research done by Dr. Peter (the author), type O patients did well on animal products and protein diets - foods that require more stomach acid for proper digestion. As we knew, peptic ulcer is often related to higher than average stomach - so the correlation is there.

Above given table is a guide for you to follow in case you want to gain weight or vice versa. Some of foods must be avoided by type O people such as pork (oink oink), caviar, smoked salmon, some types of cheese (lot of them), goat’s milk, yogurt, corn oil, safflower oil, peanut butter, cashew nuts, soya beans (I love this one though), cornflakes, cauliflower, mushrooms, blackberries, coconuts, melon, oranges, strawberries, apple juice, orange juice, cinnamon (kayu manis), vanilla, mayonnaise, ketchup, coffee and others. There are actually plenty of them but I just chose foods that are usually consumed and relevant.
That's all for today !
Source : 'Eat Right for Your Type' Dr. Peter D'Adamo www.dadamo.com
I am in O-blood group, so at first, I will start with this primordial type of blood. Lot of researchers are currently studying the relationship between diet and individual types of blood. One of them is Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo ... I just read his book entitled ‘Eat Right for Your Type’ and all the information in this article are the extraction from his writings. So let’s begin ...
One thing that you should have known is O-blood people are susceptible to and having a high risk of developing peptic ulcer (mainly gastric ulcer).
In a research done by Dr. Peter (the author), type O patients did well on animal products and protein diets - foods that require more stomach acid for proper digestion. As we knew, peptic ulcer is often related to higher than average stomach - so the correlation is there.

Above given table is a guide for you to follow in case you want to gain weight or vice versa. Some of foods must be avoided by type O people such as pork (oink oink), caviar, smoked salmon, some types of cheese (lot of them), goat’s milk, yogurt, corn oil, safflower oil, peanut butter, cashew nuts, soya beans (I love this one though), cornflakes, cauliflower, mushrooms, blackberries, coconuts, melon, oranges, strawberries, apple juice, orange juice, cinnamon (kayu manis), vanilla, mayonnaise, ketchup, coffee and others. There are actually plenty of them but I just chose foods that are usually consumed and relevant.
That's all for today !
Source : 'Eat Right for Your Type' Dr. Peter D'Adamo www.dadamo.com
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Quote from Prof. Dr. Latiff
"It's not where we study determines how good we are. It's our attitude that counts !"
P.S : Professor Dr. Abd. Latiff Mohamed is the dean of postgraduate study at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences.
P.S : Professor Dr. Abd. Latiff Mohamed is the dean of postgraduate study at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Early rising no good for the heart: study
TOKYO (AFP) - Generations have praised the wisdom of getting up early in the morning, but a Japanese study says early-risers are actually at a higher risk of developing heart problems... More
P/S : Good news for those who used to wake up late ! : )
P/S : Good news for those who used to wake up late ! : )
Friday, August 31, 2007
Dokumen Pendaftaran 07'-08'
Checklist :
1. Abhadnoi list (dapatkan di dekanat, just show your passport)
2. Resit visa (dapat lepas bayar 400 rub at Sberbank)
3. Passport (if ada passport lama, bawak jugak)
4. Fotostate 1st page passport
5. Fotostate visa yang ada melekat dalam passport
6. Visa hijau
7. Fototstate visa hijau depan belakang
8. 4 keping gambar hitam putih (Ulitsa Mira is the nearest, I think so)
9. Immigration card
10. Fototstate immigration card
dan kalau duduk kvartira, tambah dokumen berikut :
11. Dagavor
12. Fotostate dagavor
1. Abhadnoi list (dapatkan di dekanat, just show your passport)
2. Resit visa (dapat lepas bayar 400 rub at Sberbank)
3. Passport (if ada passport lama, bawak jugak)
4. Fotostate 1st page passport
5. Fotostate visa yang ada melekat dalam passport
6. Visa hijau
7. Fototstate visa hijau depan belakang
8. 4 keping gambar hitam putih (Ulitsa Mira is the nearest, I think so)
9. Immigration card
10. Fototstate immigration card
dan kalau duduk kvartira, tambah dokumen berikut :
11. Dagavor
12. Fotostate dagavor
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Medical Softwares for Your PocketPC
For those who are using PocketPC (Windows Mobile PDA), there are some medical softwares you might want to have a look at :
1. Harrison's Manual for Medicine
2. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
3. The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics
4. Others ...
They are not cheap ... But you can buy them from my friends currently studying in Kursk (final year). They are selling 200 rub for each title. Just leave your comments ...
You can also go to this site www.medicalexcel.com for more softwares.
1. Harrison's Manual for Medicine
2. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
3. The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics
4. Others ...
They are not cheap ... But you can buy them from my friends currently studying in Kursk (final year). They are selling 200 rub for each title. Just leave your comments ...
You can also go to this site www.medicalexcel.com for more softwares.
Lagi pasal No Objection Letter (NOC) ...
Aku dapat email pagi tadi ...
NOC Volgograd
Norazliza Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 9:22 AM
To: Khairul Mohd Khalid
Cc: cik Harlina, "en.azman"
Hai khalid,
Ok berkenaan dengan noc, sijil2 asal dan juga translate tu JPA akan hantar terus ke en. Azman memandangkan banyak proses yang perlu dibuat bagi translation tersebut dan kemungkinan tidak sempat bagi awak nak ambil semuanya di sini.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa pembaharuan akak akan maklumkan kepada awak nanti..
Sekian, Harap maklum
Kak Azliza
P/S : Nama aku khairul, bukan khalid, khalid bapak aku !!!
NOC Volgograd
To: Khairul Mohd Khalid
Cc: cik Harlina
Hai khalid,
Ok berkenaan dengan noc, sijil2 asal dan juga translate tu JPA akan hantar terus ke en. Azman memandangkan banyak proses yang perlu dibuat bagi translation tersebut dan kemungkinan tidak sempat bagi awak nak ambil semuanya di sini.
Sekiranya ada apa-apa pembaharuan akak akan maklumkan kepada awak nanti..
Sekian, Harap maklum
Kak Azliza
P/S : Nama aku khairul, bukan khalid, khalid bapak aku !!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Pemakanan ABO

Darah Jenis O
Makan daging (high protein low carbs).
Kurangkan pengambilan bijirin dan gandum.
Banyakkan senam robik (btulke ejaan nih ?).
Ulcer dan keradangan seperti arthritis mudah terjadi jika pemakanan tidak seimbang.
Darah Jenis A
Banyakkan pengambilan sayur-sayuran (high carbs low fat).
Senaman ringan seperti yoga ataupun golf.
Meditasi (solat ke, doa ke) untuk menghilangkan tekanan (stress).
Kanser dan penyakit kardiovaskular mudah menyerang jika salah tabiat makan.
Darah Jenis B
Campuran semua makanan daripada kumpulan darah yang lain.
Sesuai dengan makanan tenusu.
Senaman seperti berenang dan berjalan.
Serangan slow-growing viruses terhadap sistem saraf mungkin terjadi jika pemakanan tidak seimbang.
Darah Jenis AB
Seperti jenis A dah jenis B.
Senaman yang merehatkan.
Mempunyai immune system yang paling stabil di antara kumpulan darah yang lain.
Source : 'Eat Right for Your Type' Dr. Peter D'Adamo www.dadamo.com
P/S : Terpulangla pada diri sendiri !!! Haha ... Klu korang ade bace buku nih, mmg bnyk bende sbenarnye x bagus sgt makan. Susah gak hidup ! Bedal je !
Thursday, August 23, 2007
All Gone !
Unfortunately, all files uploaded before on www.4shared.com server have been washed out because the account is not active more than 30 days. I will update all the links later on ok ... Sorry for the inconvenience : (
P/S : Please report the missing links. TQ
P/S : Please report the missing links. TQ
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Cara-cara sijil anda akan dikembalikan
Kepada mereka terutama pelajar JPA yang risau tentang bagaimana sijil-sijil mereka(SPM dll) akan dipulangkan, berikut adalah apa yang diberitahu oleh cik Hazliza
Sijil itu akan dipulangkan mungkin dengan salah satu cara tersebut:
1.) Kita mengambilnya sendiri di Putrajaya (sekiranya semuanya sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
2.) Sijil akan dihantar menggunakan pos berdaftar (juga sekiranya sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
3.) Sijil akan diserahkan kepada En. Azman dan beliau akan memberikannya kepada kita di Russia (sekiranya semuanya tidak sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
Lagipun, sekarang kalau hilang pun sijil SPM tersebut (nauzubillah) prosedurnya bukan rumit sangat. Samada kita boleh pergi ke Lembaga peperiksaan dan isi borang sijil hilang atau kita boleh download borangnya daripada laman web rasmi lembaga peperiksaan dan poskan (tapi kalau borang diposkan memerlukan surat sumpah daripada polis)
untuk maklumat lanjut tentang kehilangan sijil sila layari laman web rasmi lembaga peperiksaan
Sijil itu akan dipulangkan mungkin dengan salah satu cara tersebut:
1.) Kita mengambilnya sendiri di Putrajaya (sekiranya semuanya sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
2.) Sijil akan dihantar menggunakan pos berdaftar (juga sekiranya sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
3.) Sijil akan diserahkan kepada En. Azman dan beliau akan memberikannya kepada kita di Russia (sekiranya semuanya tidak sempat siap sebelum cuti berakhir)
Lagipun, sekarang kalau hilang pun sijil SPM tersebut (nauzubillah) prosedurnya bukan rumit sangat. Samada kita boleh pergi ke Lembaga peperiksaan dan isi borang sijil hilang atau kita boleh download borangnya daripada laman web rasmi lembaga peperiksaan dan poskan (tapi kalau borang diposkan memerlukan surat sumpah daripada polis)
untuk maklumat lanjut tentang kehilangan sijil sila layari laman web rasmi lembaga peperiksaan
Monday, July 16, 2007
Side order.
This is meant for those who are not too familiar with how to get to Putrajaya from (enter city name here) so, yeah. Do you know KL Sentral? Do you know how to get to KL Sentral? You do? OKAY! GOOD! So, get to KL Sentral first. Now, do you know this thing called KLIA Transit? It departs from KL Sentral to KLIA (and from KLIA to KL Sentral) and in doing so, it stops at Bandar Tasik Selatan, Putrajaya, and Salak Tinggi (for more info click HERE) so, you may take KLIA Transit from KL Sentral to Putrajaya. WOW! How easy! The one-way fare is about RM10. Takes less than 30 mins from KL Sentral to reach Putrajaya. Cepat gile kan?!
Upon reaching Putrajaya, you may take a bus (which will stop at any bus stop in Putrajaya, you know, any bus stop around that freakin' huge roundabout? please correct me if I'm wrong tho) and try to find Kompleks C, Blok C1, Aras 5, Bahagian Latihan JPA where Cik Azliza works, and settle whatever you need to settle. YEAY!
Ok thanks! ;)
This is meant for those who are not too familiar with how to get to Putrajaya from (enter city name here) so, yeah. Do you know KL Sentral? Do you know how to get to KL Sentral? You do? OKAY! GOOD! So, get to KL Sentral first. Now, do you know this thing called KLIA Transit? It departs from KL Sentral to KLIA (and from KLIA to KL Sentral) and in doing so, it stops at Bandar Tasik Selatan, Putrajaya, and Salak Tinggi (for more info click HERE) so, you may take KLIA Transit from KL Sentral to Putrajaya. WOW! How easy! The one-way fare is about RM10. Takes less than 30 mins from KL Sentral to reach Putrajaya. Cepat gile kan?!
Upon reaching Putrajaya, you may take a bus (which will stop at any bus stop in Putrajaya, you know, any bus stop around that freakin' huge roundabout? please correct me if I'm wrong tho) and try to find Kompleks C, Blok C1, Aras 5, Bahagian Latihan JPA where Cik Azliza works, and settle whatever you need to settle. YEAY!
Ok thanks! ;)
Regarding NOC
Salam and hello to everyone.
Hi! Ape buat cuti-cuti ni? Haha! Okay. Back to business.
I went to the JPA office in Putrajaya today and met with our Cik Azlina in person to give her my documents by hand. Do you remember that bunch of documents we filled in while we were still in Volgo? Well, apparently some of us (including myself) had forgotten to place a signature on a teeny weeny part of the "Surat Akuan Penaja" therefore I would advise EVERYONE to be present at the JPA office to sign this teeny weeny part and thus, give the documents asked by hand.
Also, while I was there, Cik Azliza had asked me to fax her a copy of birth certificate (certified true copy - do it the usual way like we always do, you know the whole pegawai kerajaan or whoever thing? If tak faham just private message me on friendster or YM) and a copy of "surat tawaran JPA" (if it is misplaced or destroyed in the washer machine, fret not! I'm sure they keep a copy.)
I'm not sure if ALL of you have submitted the above 2 extra documents before this (meaning together with the stuff we filled in while we were still in Volgo but I'm guessing no, because well, I hadn't! which I'm sure if at least one of us had, we all should know.) So JUST IN CASE, please insert those 2 extra documents along if you still plan to submit everything by pos laju. (But seriously, I think it's way better to submit by hand.)
So, if I may, this is the latest update for you know, "NOC":
P/S: It would be wise to provide a simple but full information on how JPA can contact you, i.e write your name, university, what year, home address, NEW phone numbers on a piece of A4 and paperclip it together with the rest of the documents. This is not obligatory. I'm just suggesting..
Hi! Ape buat cuti-cuti ni? Haha! Okay. Back to business.
I went to the JPA office in Putrajaya today and met with our Cik Azlina in person to give her my documents by hand. Do you remember that bunch of documents we filled in while we were still in Volgo? Well, apparently some of us (including myself) had forgotten to place a signature on a teeny weeny part of the "Surat Akuan Penaja" therefore I would advise EVERYONE to be present at the JPA office to sign this teeny weeny part and thus, give the documents asked by hand.
Also, while I was there, Cik Azliza had asked me to fax her a copy of birth certificate (certified true copy - do it the usual way like we always do, you know the whole pegawai kerajaan or whoever thing? If tak faham just private message me on friendster or YM) and a copy of "surat tawaran JPA" (if it is misplaced or destroyed in the washer machine, fret not! I'm sure they keep a copy.)
I'm not sure if ALL of you have submitted the above 2 extra documents before this (meaning together with the stuff we filled in while we were still in Volgo but I'm guessing no, because well, I hadn't! which I'm sure if at least one of us had, we all should know.) So JUST IN CASE, please insert those 2 extra documents along if you still plan to submit everything by pos laju. (But seriously, I think it's way better to submit by hand.)
So, if I may, this is the latest update for you know, "NOC":
- Original SPM cert + 3 photostated copy
- Original INTEC cert + 3 photostated copy (kalau takde, takyah.)
- Original "Sijil berhenti sekolah" + 3 photostated copy
- 1 copy of front page of new passport
- 1 copy of yellow visa (in the passport)
- 1 copy (actually I'm not sure how many copies but let's give them 3 for fun shall we?) of birth cert (certified true copy)
- 1 copy (let's give them 3!) of "Surat tawaran JPA" (if you still have it)
P/S: It would be wise to provide a simple but full information on how JPA can contact you, i.e write your name, university, what year, home address, NEW phone numbers on a piece of A4 and paperclip it together with the rest of the documents. This is not obligatory. I'm just suggesting..
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Task mase cuti summer '07 (Updated on 15th July 2007)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t n salam sejahtera
wahai kawan2 seperjuangan sekelian...pasal documents yg nak kene translate tu jpa telah bersetuju nak bantu kita...apa yg korang perlu buat hanyala hantar pos laju documents berkenaan ASAP n jpa akan uruskan from A to Z...ALIF sampai YA...O sampai infiniti plus free of charge plak tu (jpa blanja), pasal NOC jpa kata dia akan settlekan so kita tak yah nak menyusahkan diri dan mak bapak kita wat benda2 tu...benda2 yg perlu dipos:
1.sijil result spm ori + 3 photostat copy
2.sijil graduate from intec ori + 3 copy (kalu xde xyah)
3.1 copy pasport baru
4. sijil berhenti sekolah + 3 copy
5. 1 copy visa warna kuning dalam pasport
anta dekat alamat berikut:
Nor Azliza Bt Omar
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
Bahagian Latihan
Aras 5, Blok C1, Kompleks C,
62510 Putrajaya.
(Unit- Lsp Luar Negara)
dan anda diminta utk bagi REFERENCE NO poslaju tu bagi memudahkan cik azliza mengompemkan yg surat korg dah sampai ok...
sebarang pertanyaan atau kalau korang takde documents yg disebutkan di atas boleh la bertanya sendiri kpd cik azliza di no 03-88853394.
peringatan...anda diminta anta ASAP n sebarkan pada rakan2 jpa yg lain
sekian, terima kaseh...
P/S : Samfai yg tulis smue nih ... thanks to him
wahai kawan2 seperjuangan sekelian...pasal documents yg nak kene translate tu jpa telah bersetuju nak bantu kita...apa yg korang perlu buat hanyala hantar pos laju documents berkenaan ASAP n jpa akan uruskan from A to Z...ALIF sampai YA...O sampai infiniti plus free of charge plak tu (jpa blanja), pasal NOC jpa kata dia akan settlekan so kita tak yah nak menyusahkan diri dan mak bapak kita wat benda2 tu...benda2 yg perlu dipos:
1.sijil result spm ori + 3 photostat copy
2.sijil graduate from intec ori + 3 copy (kalu xde xyah)
3.1 copy pasport baru
4. sijil berhenti sekolah + 3 copy
5. 1 copy visa warna kuning dalam pasport
anta dekat alamat berikut:
Nor Azliza Bt Omar
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
Bahagian Latihan
Aras 5, Blok C1, Kompleks C,
62510 Putrajaya.
(Unit- Lsp Luar Negara)
dan anda diminta utk bagi REFERENCE NO poslaju tu bagi memudahkan cik azliza mengompemkan yg surat korg dah sampai ok...
sebarang pertanyaan atau kalau korang takde documents yg disebutkan di atas boleh la bertanya sendiri kpd cik azliza di no 03-88853394.
peringatan...anda diminta anta ASAP n sebarkan pada rakan2 jpa yg lain
sekian, terima kaseh...
P/S : Samfai yg tulis smue nih ... thanks to him
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Pneumothorax : Etiology
Definition : Accumulation of air in the pleural cavity.
Etiology : May occur under 3 circumstances :
1. Spontaneous ; rupture of alveoli due to any lung's diseases.
2. Traumatic.
3. Therapeutic artificial ; used to be employed in the treatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (to limit pulmonary movement).
Source : Pathology Harsh Mohan
Etiology : May occur under 3 circumstances :
1. Spontaneous ; rupture of alveoli due to any lung's diseases.
2. Traumatic.
3. Therapeutic artificial ; used to be employed in the treatment of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis (to limit pulmonary movement).
Source : Pathology Harsh Mohan
3rd year,
General Surgery,
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Prescription (Drugs' Concentration) : Pharmacology
Get the concentration of drugs here (Final Pharmacology) ...
P/S : The drugs have been arranged according to their concentration. UPDATED on 11.52 am. 15/06/2007
P/S : The drugs have been arranged according to their concentration. UPDATED on 11.52 am. 15/06/2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
All Pharmacology : Concluding Session 2006/2007
You can download all the schemes here !!!
Or you can choose to download for each concluding session below :
1. 1st Concluding Scheme
2. 2nd Concluding Scheme
3. 3rd Concluding Scheme
4. 4th Concluding Scheme
5. 5th Concluding Scheme
P/S : Download this syllabus for your reference !!!
Please use the materials at your own risk : ) ...
Or you can choose to download for each concluding session below :
1. 1st Concluding Scheme
2. 2nd Concluding Scheme
3. 3rd Concluding Scheme
4. 4th Concluding Scheme
5. 5th Concluding Scheme
P/S : Download this syllabus for your reference !!!
Please use the materials at your own risk : ) ...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Questions' Lists for 3rd Year Summer's Examination
Get them from the links provided below :
1. Surgery
2. Therapy
3. Pharmacology
4. Path. Anatomy
5. Path. Physiology
For practical exams :
1. Therapy
2. Surgery
P/S : For those who have the question's list for Patphys, Patanat and Therapy, do care to upload them and insert the links !!!
1. Surgery
2. Therapy
3. Pharmacology
4. Path. Anatomy
5. Path. Physiology
For practical exams :
1. Therapy
2. Surgery
P/S : For those who have the question's list for Patphys, Patanat and Therapy, do care to upload them and insert the links !!!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Classification of Drugs : Pharmacology
Infectious Diseases : PatAnat
Get the notes for the final exam here !!!
Please use them at your own risk.
Contents :
1. Acute Respiratory Infections
2. Air Dropical Bacterial Infections
3. Anthropozoonotics
4. Cysticercosis
5. Epidemic Typhus
6. Fungal Diseases
7. Intestinal Bacterial Infections
8. Incitant
9. Typhus
10. Relpasing Fever
11. Sepsis
12. Syphilis
13. Tuberculosis
Please use them at your own risk.
Contents :
1. Acute Respiratory Infections
2. Air Dropical Bacterial Infections
3. Anthropozoonotics
4. Cysticercosis
5. Epidemic Typhus
6. Fungal Diseases
7. Intestinal Bacterial Infections
8. Incitant
9. Typhus
10. Relpasing Fever
11. Sepsis
12. Syphilis
13. Tuberculosis
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S17W (Finale)
What I have learnt on the 17th week (28/05/07-02/06/07)
1. Нефрит Part II (Russian)
2. Concluding Session : GIT, Lymphology, CVS, Renal Diseases (PatPhys)
3. Stitches for Tendons, Vessels and Nerves (Operative Surgery)
4. Статья : Пиелонефрит (Russian)
The final week … at last.
1. Нефрит Part II (Russian)
2. Concluding Session : GIT, Lymphology, CVS, Renal Diseases (PatPhys)
3. Stitches for Tendons, Vessels and Nerves (Operative Surgery)
4. Статья : Пиелонефрит (Russian)
The final week … at last.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S16W
What I have learnt on the 16th week (21/05/07-26/05/07)
1. Treatments for Surgical Infections (General Surgery)
2. Tuberculosis and Syphilis (PatAnat)
3. Concluding Session (General Hygiene)
4. Concluding Session : Upper Extremities (Operative Surgery)
5. ECG : Revision (Therapy)
6. Anti-viral Agents and Anti-tumors (Pharmacology)
7. Practical Exam (Ambulance)
8. Нефрит (Russian)
1. Treatments for Surgical Infections (General Surgery)
2. Tuberculosis and Syphilis (PatAnat)
3. Concluding Session (General Hygiene)
4. Concluding Session : Upper Extremities (Operative Surgery)
5. ECG : Revision (Therapy)
6. Anti-viral Agents and Anti-tumors (Pharmacology)
7. Practical Exam (Ambulance)
8. Нефрит (Russian)
Monday, May 21, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S15W
What I have learnt on the 15th week (14/05/07-19/05/07)
1. Objective Test (General Surgery)
2. Children's diseases (PatAnat)
3. История Больного (Russian)
4. Diseases of the Heart (PatPhys)
5. Food Poisoning (General Hygiene)
6. Wrist, Hand and Elbow Joint (Operative Surgery)
7. Objective Test (Therapy)
8. Lect : Urbanization (General Hygiene)
9. Anti-protozoal and Anti-helminthic agents (Pharmacology)
10. История Настоящего Заболевания (Russian)
1. Objective Test (General Surgery)
2. Children's diseases (PatAnat)
3. История Больного (Russian)
4. Diseases of the Heart (PatPhys)
5. Food Poisoning (General Hygiene)
6. Wrist, Hand and Elbow Joint (Operative Surgery)
7. Objective Test (Therapy)
8. Lect : Urbanization (General Hygiene)
9. Anti-protozoal and Anti-helminthic agents (Pharmacology)
10. История Настоящего Заболевания (Russian)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S14W
What I have learnt on the 14th week (07/05/07-12/05/07)
1. Viral and Bacterial Infections (PatAnat)
2. Щитовидная Железа (Russian)
3. Renal Diseases (PatPhys)
4. Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session (Radiology)
6. Synthetic Anti-microbial Agents. Anti-TB and Anti-syphilis (Pharmacology)
7. Щитовидная Железа Part II (Russian)
1. Viral and Bacterial Infections (PatAnat)
2. Щитовидная Железа (Russian)
3. Renal Diseases (PatPhys)
4. Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session (Radiology)
6. Synthetic Anti-microbial Agents. Anti-TB and Anti-syphilis (Pharmacology)
7. Щитовидная Железа Part II (Russian)
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S13W
What I have learnt on the 13th week (02/05/07-05/05/07)
1. Diet of Medical Students Part III and assignments (General Hygiene)
2. Lect : Hemoblastosis (Therapy)
3. Forearm + Video - Osteosynthesis (Operative Surgery)
4. Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session : Metabolic profiles n Endocrine (Pharmacology)
6. Watching TV (новости) heh … (Russian)
1. Diet of Medical Students Part III and assignments (General Hygiene)
2. Lect : Hemoblastosis (Therapy)
3. Forearm + Video - Osteosynthesis (Operative Surgery)
4. Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session : Metabolic profiles n Endocrine (Pharmacology)
6. Watching TV (новости) heh … (Russian)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S12W
What I have learnt on the 12th week (23/04/07-28/04/07)
1. Sepsis and Infections (General Surgery)
2. Concluding Session : (PatAnat)
3. Как Вы Себя Чувстуете ? (Russian)
4. Endocrinal Diseases (PatPhys)
5. Diet of Medical Students Part II (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Hemostasis (Therapy)
7. Upper Arm and Cubital Fossa (Operative Surgery)
8. Practical Exam (Therapy)
9. Antibiotics and Antifungals (Pharmacology)
10. Concluding Session : (History of Medicine)
11. Пока не Приехал Врач (Russian)
1. Sepsis and Infections (General Surgery)
2. Concluding Session : (PatAnat)
3. Как Вы Себя Чувстуете ? (Russian)
4. Endocrinal Diseases (PatPhys)
5. Diet of Medical Students Part II (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Hemostasis (Therapy)
7. Upper Arm and Cubital Fossa (Operative Surgery)
8. Practical Exam (Therapy)
9. Antibiotics and Antifungals (Pharmacology)
10. Concluding Session : (History of Medicine)
11. Пока не Приехал Врач (Russian)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
ENT stuffs
Weekly Topics 3Y2S11W
What I have learnt on the 11th week (16/04/07-21/04/07)
1. Practical Exam (General Surgery)
2. Female Genitals' Diseases (PatAnat)
3. Возвратные Глаголы Part II (Russian)
4. Endocrinal Diseases Part I (PatPhys)
5. Diet of Medical Students (General Hygiene)
6. Deltoid region and Shoulder Joint (Operative Surgery)
7. Blood Diseases Part II (Therapy)
8. Lect : Environment and Health (General Hygiene)
9. Mitral Competence and Stenosis (Radiology)
10. Plasma Expanders and Diuretics (Pharmacology)
11. Возвратные Глаголы : Concluding Session (Russian)
1. Practical Exam (General Surgery)
2. Female Genitals' Diseases (PatAnat)
3. Возвратные Глаголы Part II (Russian)
4. Endocrinal Diseases Part I (PatPhys)
5. Diet of Medical Students (General Hygiene)
6. Deltoid region and Shoulder Joint (Operative Surgery)
7. Blood Diseases Part II (Therapy)
8. Lect : Environment and Health (General Hygiene)
9. Mitral Competence and Stenosis (Radiology)
10. Plasma Expanders and Diuretics (Pharmacology)
11. Возвратные Глаголы : Concluding Session (Russian)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
2nd Revision PatAnat for 2nd Semester
Get the .zip file here ... It contains 17 .gif image files. The size is about 6.5 MB, beware !!!
P/S : You may ask me to make photocopies of them. (2.5 rub for each double-sided printing)
P/S : You may ask me to make photocopies of them. (2.5 rub for each double-sided printing)
Friday, April 20, 2007
MSL 2007 : Price List

I know, this post doesn't have anything to do with medicine, but it is when we talk about ways of getting here, and getting out of here, from our dearest Volgograd City !!! Check it out ...
MSL Travel's Website
P/S : The image is only 40 KB ... Don't worry !!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
AIHA and Myeloplastic Syndrome : Diseases of the Blood
Dear my fellow friends,
You may download the docs. of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Myeloplastic Syndrome by clicking the links provided below :
2. Myeloplastic Syndrome
Source : Internal Diseases - An Introductory Course
P/S : Myeloplastic Syndrome = Myelodysplastic Syndrome = MDS = Myelodysplasia (I am not sure, correct me if I'm wrong)
You may download the docs. of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Myeloplastic Syndrome by clicking the links provided below :
2. Myeloplastic Syndrome
Source : Internal Diseases - An Introductory Course
P/S : Myeloplastic Syndrome = Myelodysplastic Syndrome = MDS = Myelodysplasia (I am not sure, correct me if I'm wrong)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S10W
What I have learnt on the 10th week (09/04/07-14/04/07)
1. Renal Insufficiency etc. (General Surgery)
2. Endocrine Diseases (PatAnat)
3. Vitamins Part II (General Hygiene)
4. Lect : Proteinuria and Nephrotic Syndrome (Therapy)
5. Amputation (Operative Surgery)
6. Blood Diseases Part I (Therapy)
7. Examination of Lung Part II (Radiology)
8. Atherosclerotic agents and Anti-Gouty agents (Pharmacology)
9. History of Hospital and Health Care (History of Medicine)
10. Панорама (Russian)
1. Renal Insufficiency etc. (General Surgery)
2. Endocrine Diseases (PatAnat)
3. Vitamins Part II (General Hygiene)
4. Lect : Proteinuria and Nephrotic Syndrome (Therapy)
5. Amputation (Operative Surgery)
6. Blood Diseases Part I (Therapy)
7. Examination of Lung Part II (Radiology)
8. Atherosclerotic agents and Anti-Gouty agents (Pharmacology)
9. History of Hospital and Health Care (History of Medicine)
10. Панорама (Russian)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S09W
What I have learnt on the 9th week (02/04/07-07/04/07)
1. Practical Examination : Preps (General Surgery)
2. Renal Disease (PatAnat)
3. Желчнокаменная Болезнь (Russian)
4. Hypertension and Hypotension (PatPhys)
5. Vitamins (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Hypofunction of Adrenal Cortex (Therapy)
7. Axilliary region (Operative Surgery)
8. Concluding Session : Gastrointestinal Diseases (Therapy)
9. Various Kinds of Lung's Examination (Radiology)
10. Bone's Homeostasis (Pharmacology)
1. Practical Examination : Preps (General Surgery)
2. Renal Disease (PatAnat)
3. Желчнокаменная Болезнь (Russian)
4. Hypertension and Hypotension (PatPhys)
5. Vitamins (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Hypofunction of Adrenal Cortex (Therapy)
7. Axilliary region (Operative Surgery)
8. Concluding Session : Gastrointestinal Diseases (Therapy)
9. Various Kinds of Lung's Examination (Radiology)
10. Bone's Homeostasis (Pharmacology)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Achalasia of the Cardia
Achalasia means 'failure to relax'. It is associated with failure of sphincters to relax from contracted state eg. cardiac sphincter (achalasia of the cardia or cardiospasm). It is an idiopathic pathology (primary achalasia) or may be due to esophageal cancer or Chagas' disease (secondary achalasia).
Cardiospasm is characterized by :
1. The failure of weak muscles of the cardia to relax
2. Disturbed peristaltic activity of the esophagus
3. Deranged reflex opening of the cardia on swallowing
4. Impaired passage of food into the stomach
5. Dilatation of the esophagus due to food's retention in it
Clinical Pictures :
1. Retrosternal paroxysmal pain (occurs usually at night)
2. Dysphagia (may intensify by emotional stress)
3. Regurgitation (may cause aspiration pneumonia)
Prognosis :
1. Progresses rapidly
2. Weight loss is progressive
3. Aspiration pneumonia and chronic bronchitis may supervene due to regurgitated
masses from esophagus
Treatment :
1. The efficacy of medication is low.
2. Surgery : Using Einhorn's dilator, balloon dilatation, Heller myotomy
Source : Wikipedia, Internal Diseases ; An Introductory Course
Download the article in .doc format.
Cardiospasm is characterized by :
1. The failure of weak muscles of the cardia to relax
2. Disturbed peristaltic activity of the esophagus
3. Deranged reflex opening of the cardia on swallowing
4. Impaired passage of food into the stomach
5. Dilatation of the esophagus due to food's retention in it
Clinical Pictures :
1. Retrosternal paroxysmal pain (occurs usually at night)
2. Dysphagia (may intensify by emotional stress)
3. Regurgitation (may cause aspiration pneumonia)
Prognosis :
1. Progresses rapidly
2. Weight loss is progressive
3. Aspiration pneumonia and chronic bronchitis may supervene due to regurgitated
masses from esophagus
Treatment :
1. The efficacy of medication is low.
2. Surgery : Using Einhorn's dilator, balloon dilatation, Heller myotomy
Source : Wikipedia, Internal Diseases ; An Introductory Course
Download the article in .doc format.
My Internal Disease notes updated - Hematology n GI !!
Thanks to all who took the time to send me their thanks...(thanks for saying thank you..hahaha how nerdy is that)
those who found my notes useful, I hope u could pass it around..
by the way, since I had finished my internal disease cycle sem II - 4th year, here I have updated my notes collection with Hematology n GI disease!!
check them out here
those who found my notes useful, I hope u could pass it around..
by the way, since I had finished my internal disease cycle sem II - 4th year, here I have updated my notes collection with Hematology n GI disease!!
check them out here
Friday, March 30, 2007
Atelectasis (collapse of the lung) is a collapsed / airless condition of the lung. It can be due to several reasons which will be explained later. It is usually associated with exchange of inadequately oxygenated blood from pulmonary arteries into veins - giving rise to hypoxia.
It may be caused by :
1. Obstruction of airways by mucous plugs
2. Hypoventilation (secondary to pain) / inadequate tidal volume*
3. Inadequate surfactant production
4. Compression of the lung by tumors, aneurysms, enlarged lymph nodes, etc.
5. Complications following abdominal / thoracic surgery
6. Accumulation of air / fluid in the pleural cavity - pneumothorax, hydrothorax
Various forms of atelectasis can be distinguished in adults on the basis of underlying mechanism or the distribution of alveolar collapse:
1. Resorption
It happens when there is an obstruction of airways which prevent the ventilation of distal part of lungs. The most frequent case of resorption atelectasis is obstruction of a bronchus by a mucous plugs. But any other kind of obstructions (aspiration of foreign bodies, blood clots during oral surgery etc.) may actually causes this type of lung's collapse.
2. Compression
Usually occurs due to compression of lung because of accumulation of fluids / air in the pleural cavity. Ascites also may cause the elevation of diaphragm that leads to lung's compression.
3. Microatelectasis (nonobstructive atelectasis)
Due to complex set of evens, the most important of which is loss of surfactant.
4. Contraction
Due to local fibrosis or general fibrosis of lung or pleura in which will lead to impairment of its elasticity.
*Tidal Volume - the volume of air inspired and expired in a normal breath.
Source : Taber's, Robin's etc.
It may be caused by :
1. Obstruction of airways by mucous plugs
2. Hypoventilation (secondary to pain) / inadequate tidal volume*
3. Inadequate surfactant production
4. Compression of the lung by tumors, aneurysms, enlarged lymph nodes, etc.
5. Complications following abdominal / thoracic surgery
6. Accumulation of air / fluid in the pleural cavity - pneumothorax, hydrothorax
Various forms of atelectasis can be distinguished in adults on the basis of underlying mechanism or the distribution of alveolar collapse:
1. Resorption
It happens when there is an obstruction of airways which prevent the ventilation of distal part of lungs. The most frequent case of resorption atelectasis is obstruction of a bronchus by a mucous plugs. But any other kind of obstructions (aspiration of foreign bodies, blood clots during oral surgery etc.) may actually causes this type of lung's collapse.
2. Compression
Usually occurs due to compression of lung because of accumulation of fluids / air in the pleural cavity. Ascites also may cause the elevation of diaphragm that leads to lung's compression.
3. Microatelectasis (nonobstructive atelectasis)
Due to complex set of evens, the most important of which is loss of surfactant.
4. Contraction
Due to local fibrosis or general fibrosis of lung or pleura in which will lead to impairment of its elasticity.
*Tidal Volume - the volume of air inspired and expired in a normal breath.
Source : Taber's, Robin's etc.
Weekly Topics 3Y2S08W
What I have learnt on the 8th week (26/03/07-31/03/07)
1. Vital Functions. Their disturbances. (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Scalp Puncture (Operative Surgery)
3. Liver Disease (PatAnat)
4. Холецистит Part II (Russian)
5. Lect : Cardiology (Radiology)
6. Lymphatic Disease (PatPhys)
7. Food : Experiment (General Hygiene)
8. Lect : Nephrology (Therapy)
9. Operation Day (Operative Surgery)
10. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas (Therapy)
11. Lect : Vitamins (General Hygiene)
12. Lung Fields (Radiology)
13. Vitamins and Enzymes (Pharmacology)
14. Возвратные Глаголы (Russian)
1. Vital Functions. Their disturbances. (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Scalp Puncture (Operative Surgery)
3. Liver Disease (PatAnat)
4. Холецистит Part II (Russian)
5. Lect : Cardiology (Radiology)
6. Lymphatic Disease (PatPhys)
7. Food : Experiment (General Hygiene)
8. Lect : Nephrology (Therapy)
9. Operation Day (Operative Surgery)
10. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas (Therapy)
11. Lect : Vitamins (General Hygiene)
12. Lung Fields (Radiology)
13. Vitamins and Enzymes (Pharmacology)
14. Возвратные Глаголы (Russian)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S07W
What I have learnt on the 7th week (19/03/07-24/03/07)
1. Nothing … (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer (PatAnat)
3. GIT Disease (PatAnat)
4. Холецистит Part I (Russian)
5. GIT Disease (PatPhys)
6. Food (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Thyroid Disease (Therapy)
8. Foot (Operative Surgery)
9. Liver Disease (Therapy)
10. Lect : Nutrients (General Hygiene)
11. Thermovision (Radiology)
12. Anti-allergic Agents n Immunomodulators (Pharmacology)
1. Nothing … (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer (PatAnat)
3. GIT Disease (PatAnat)
4. Холецистит Part I (Russian)
5. GIT Disease (PatPhys)
6. Food (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Thyroid Disease (Therapy)
8. Foot (Operative Surgery)
9. Liver Disease (Therapy)
10. Lect : Nutrients (General Hygiene)
11. Thermovision (Radiology)
12. Anti-allergic Agents n Immunomodulators (Pharmacology)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S06W
What I have learnt on the 6th week (12/03/07-17/03/07)
1. Pre-Operative Period Part III (General Surgery) – huh???
2. Lect : Amputation (PatAnat)
3. Concluding Session : (PatAnat)
4. Вода etc. (Russian)
5. Liver Diseases (PatPhys)
6. Water Hygiene Part II (General Hygiene)
7. Knee Joint and Leg (Operative Surgery)
8. Intestines (Therapy)
9. Lect : Nutrition (General Hygiene)
10. MRI, PET etc. (Radiology)
11. Anti-inflammatory Agents (Pharmacology)
12. Medieval Society : Medicine and Diseases (History of Medicine)
13. Гепатит Part II (Russian)
1. Pre-Operative Period Part III (General Surgery) – huh???
2. Lect : Amputation (PatAnat)
3. Concluding Session : (PatAnat)
4. Вода etc. (Russian)
5. Liver Diseases (PatPhys)
6. Water Hygiene Part II (General Hygiene)
7. Knee Joint and Leg (Operative Surgery)
8. Intestines (Therapy)
9. Lect : Nutrition (General Hygiene)
10. MRI, PET etc. (Radiology)
11. Anti-inflammatory Agents (Pharmacology)
12. Medieval Society : Medicine and Diseases (History of Medicine)
13. Гепатит Part II (Russian)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Teaching's Material : Lower Extremities
Just received powerpoint files of teaching's materials (in Russian though) for operative surgery that are used by our teachers during class. There are 2 of them, click the links provided below to download the files :
Operative Surgery 1
Operative Surgery 2
Operative Surgery Folder
Thanks for the materials...
Operative Surgery 1
Operative Surgery 2
Operative Surgery Folder
Thanks for the materials...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S05W
What I have learnt on the 5th week (05/03/07-10/03/07)
1. Pre-Operative Period Part II (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Pneumonia and other Lung Diseases
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (PatAnat)
4. Гепатит (Russian)
5. Concluding Session : Hematologic Diseases (PatPhys)
6. Water Hygiene (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Intestinal Disorders (Therapy)
8. Anterior aspect of Thigh (Operative Surgery)
9. Hormones (Pharmacology)
10. Причастие lagi (Russian)
: ) Bnyk x p lect. Я чувствовал недомогание ... heh.
1. Pre-Operative Period Part II (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Pneumonia and other Lung Diseases
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (PatAnat)
4. Гепатит (Russian)
5. Concluding Session : Hematologic Diseases (PatPhys)
6. Water Hygiene (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Intestinal Disorders (Therapy)
8. Anterior aspect of Thigh (Operative Surgery)
9. Hormones (Pharmacology)
10. Причастие lagi (Russian)
: ) Bnyk x p lect. Я чувствовал недомогание ... heh.
History and Physical Examination : Notes
Download this guide. It is quite useful for me, just a simple guide and explanation about history taking, physical examination etc. I extract the following text from the full original version :
History and Physical Examination
Identifying Data: Patient's name; age, race, sex. List the patient’s significant medical problems. Name of informant
(patient, relative).
Chief Complaint: Reason given by patient for seeking medical care and the duration of the symptom. List all of the patients medical problems.
History of Present Illness (HPI): Describe the course of the patient's illness, including when it began, character of the symptoms, location where the symptoms began; aggravating or alleviating factors; pertinent positives and negatives. Describe past illnesses or surgeries, and past diagnostic testing.
Past Medical History (PMH): Past diseases, surgeries, hospitalizations; medical problems; history of diabetes, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, asthma, myocardial infarction, cancer. In children include birth history, prenatal history, immunizations, and type of feedings.
More ...
History and Physical Examination
Identifying Data: Patient's name; age, race, sex. List the patient’s significant medical problems. Name of informant
(patient, relative).
Chief Complaint: Reason given by patient for seeking medical care and the duration of the symptom. List all of the patients medical problems.
History of Present Illness (HPI): Describe the course of the patient's illness, including when it began, character of the symptoms, location where the symptoms began; aggravating or alleviating factors; pertinent positives and negatives. Describe past illnesses or surgeries, and past diagnostic testing.
Past Medical History (PMH): Past diseases, surgeries, hospitalizations; medical problems; history of diabetes, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, asthma, myocardial infarction, cancer. In children include birth history, prenatal history, immunizations, and type of feedings.
More ...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Awakens After 6 Years
Miracles do happen in medicine : )
A woman awakens after 6 years in a vegetative state...
A woman awakens after 6 years in a vegetative state...
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S04W
What I have learnt on the 4th week (26/02/07-03/03/07)
1. Patient's Examination Part III and Pre-Operative Period (General Surgery)
2. Acute Pneumonia (PatAnat)
3. Причастие Part III (Russian)
4. Disorders of External Respiration (PatPhys)
5. Residential Hygiene (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Chronic Hepatitis (Therapy)
7. Hip Joint, Posterior aspect of Thigh, and Popliteal Fossa (Operative Surgery)
8. GIT Diseases and Examination Part II (Therapy)
9. Concluding Session : CVS (Pharmacology)
10. Ancient Medicine (History of Medicine)
11. Причастие : Concluding Session (Russian)
12. Lect : Medieval Medicine (History of Medicine)
: ) ...
1. Patient's Examination Part III and Pre-Operative Period (General Surgery)
2. Acute Pneumonia (PatAnat)
3. Причастие Part III (Russian)
4. Disorders of External Respiration (PatPhys)
5. Residential Hygiene (General Hygiene)
6. Lect : Chronic Hepatitis (Therapy)
7. Hip Joint, Posterior aspect of Thigh, and Popliteal Fossa (Operative Surgery)
8. GIT Diseases and Examination Part II (Therapy)
9. Concluding Session : CVS (Pharmacology)
10. Ancient Medicine (History of Medicine)
11. Причастие : Concluding Session (Russian)
12. Lect : Medieval Medicine (History of Medicine)
: ) ...
Friday, March 02, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
History of Medicine : Sources
I uploaded 2 files provided by our teacher ... It is not well-documented (copy paste I assumed) !!!
Prescription Writing : CVS
It is for the 1st concluding session. Get it here...
P/S : Use at your own risk !!! In a .doc format.
P/S : Use at your own risk !!! In a .doc format.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Medical Books For Sale
To view book images, click here.
For questions, email: medicalbook@yahoo.com
To buy books, contact: 89195450118
For questions, email: medicalbook@yahoo.com
To buy books, contact: 89195450118
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Weekly Topics 3Y2S03W
What I have learnt on the 3rd week (19/02/07-22/02/07)
1. Patient's Examination Part II (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Rheumatic fever, SLE etc. (PatAnat)
3. Diseases of the Nervous System (PatAnat)
4. Причастие Part II (Russian)
5. Disorders of Coagulation System (PatPhys)
6. Lighting (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Liver Disease (Therapy)
8. Gluteal Region (Operative Surgery)
9. GIT Diseases and Examination Part I (Therapy)
10. Lect : Microclimate and Thermal State (General Hygiene)
11. Tomography (Radiology)
С Днем Защитника Отечества !!!
1. Patient's Examination Part II (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Rheumatic fever, SLE etc. (PatAnat)
3. Diseases of the Nervous System (PatAnat)
4. Причастие Part II (Russian)
5. Disorders of Coagulation System (PatPhys)
6. Lighting (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Liver Disease (Therapy)
8. Gluteal Region (Operative Surgery)
9. GIT Diseases and Examination Part I (Therapy)
10. Lect : Microclimate and Thermal State (General Hygiene)
11. Tomography (Radiology)
С Днем Защитника Отечества !!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Recording Stethoscope

For those who are thinking of buying a new stethoscope, please take this as one of your choices !!!
And if you've bought it, please let me know : )
I.V injection is not a nightmare anymore

Simply saying "well that's nurse job" doesn't change the condition all the other way around, because the fact is; we still the doctors who afraid to do the IV.
Recently, there is a device called 'Veinlite' that can illuminate the vein.Well, this news might be quite a relieve for us 'the newbies' Now you can image those hard-to-find veins using the Veinlite LED or Veinlite EMS in patients where veins are not visible in the standard access areas. The Veinlite LED and Veinlite EMS can help find veins in several different areas of the body such as forearms, legs, thighs and scalp. You can also use the Veinlite LED as a regular transilluminator to shine light through the arms or legs for applications in pediatrics and neonatal care.
It just the matter of time before this product become popular. But at least for the time being, they already turn doctors' nightmare into sweet memories. Now every doctor can do I.V injection. Horray!
Check it for yourself!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Obstetrics Practical Sheets
I did some editing, smaller/readable fonts-and-presentation wise. Contents are 100% original from the OBGYN Dept.
Obstetrics Practical Sheets especially for 4th years.
Get them here.
Obstetrics Practical Sheets especially for 4th years.
Get them here.
Weekly Topics 3Y2S02W
What I have learnt on the 2nd week (12/02/07-17/02/07)
1. Dressings Part II, Patient’s Examination (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Operative Surgery - Introduction
3. Ischemic Heart Disease, Rheumatic Fever (PatAnat)
4. Язвенная Болезнь Органов Пишеварения Part III (Russian)
5. Leukocytes Disorders (PatPhys)
6. Microclimate and Thermal State Part II (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Peptic Ulcer Disease (Therapy)
8. Skin Grafting (Operative Surgery)
9. Urinary Tract Infection and Test (Therapy)
10. Lect : Hygiene - Introduction
11. Radiology Part II
12. Antihypertensive Drugs (Pharmacology)
13. Introduction to History of Medicine
14. Причастие Part I (Russian)
15. Lect : History of Medicine – Introduction
Radiology still sucks ...
1. Dressings Part II, Patient’s Examination (General Surgery)
2. Lect : Operative Surgery - Introduction
3. Ischemic Heart Disease, Rheumatic Fever (PatAnat)
4. Язвенная Болезнь Органов Пишеварения Part III (Russian)
5. Leukocytes Disorders (PatPhys)
6. Microclimate and Thermal State Part II (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : Peptic Ulcer Disease (Therapy)
8. Skin Grafting (Operative Surgery)
9. Urinary Tract Infection and Test (Therapy)
10. Lect : Hygiene - Introduction
11. Radiology Part II
12. Antihypertensive Drugs (Pharmacology)
13. Introduction to History of Medicine
14. Причастие Part I (Russian)
15. Lect : History of Medicine – Introduction
Radiology still sucks ...
Diet Regiments
For 2nd Year Therapy Uhod and everybody else hehe.
Get Diet Regiments here.
Contents of each diet are pretty much the same but please pay careful attention to indications and special characteristics of each diet. Good luck!
Get Diet Regiments here.
Contents of each diet are pretty much the same but please pay careful attention to indications and special characteristics of each diet. Good luck!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Renal Hypertension

Picture shown the Salus's Sign of Retinal Vessels
As opposed to essential/primary hypertension which is etiologically unknown, the cause of renal hypertension is underlain by diseases such as acute/chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and nephrosclerosis ... More
Source : Internal Diseases - An Introductory Course
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
This note has been written according to our text book 'Introduction to Internal disease'. I'm really sorry for the spelling mistake. Still it is a worthy note, i would say hehe. By the way, it is all about method of esophagus examination and its special pathology.
Well as usual you can get it here
This note has been written according to our text book 'Introduction to Internal disease'. I'm really sorry for the spelling mistake. Still it is a worthy note, i would say hehe. By the way, it is all about method of esophagus examination and its special pathology.
Well as usual you can get it here
Monday, February 12, 2007
Virchow's Triad
3 main predisposing factors for thrombus formation :
1. Damage to endothelial lining of a blood vessel
2. Changes in blood flow (turbulence / stasis )
3. Increased coagulability of blood (hypercoagulability)
Source : Master Medicine : Pathology
1. Damage to endothelial lining of a blood vessel
2. Changes in blood flow (turbulence / stasis )
3. Increased coagulability of blood (hypercoagulability)
Source : Master Medicine : Pathology
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Weekly Topics 05/02/07-10/02/07 (3Y2S01W)
What I have learnt on the 1st week (05/02/07-10/02/07)
1. Dressings (General Surgery)
2. Atherosclerosis and Hypertension (PatAnat)
3. Язва Органов Пишеварения Part I (Russian)
4. Lect : Anti-inflammatory drugs (Pharmacology)
5. Anemia (PatPhys)
6. Microclimate and Thermal State (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : GI Diseases (Therapy)
8. Stages of Operation, instruments, stitching, and knots (Operative Surgery)
9. Urinary Tract Infections – examinations (Therapy)
10. Lect : Disorders of Coagulating System (PatPhys)
11. Chapter 1 X-ray (Radiology)
12. Antiarrhythmics and Anti-anginal drugs (Pharmacology)
13. Язва Органов Пишеварения Part II (Russian)
14. Lect : Erythron (PatPhys)
Radiology sucks ... 3Y2S01W = 3rd YEaR 2nd SemEstER 1st WeeK : )
1. Dressings (General Surgery)
2. Atherosclerosis and Hypertension (PatAnat)
3. Язва Органов Пишеварения Part I (Russian)
4. Lect : Anti-inflammatory drugs (Pharmacology)
5. Anemia (PatPhys)
6. Microclimate and Thermal State (General Hygiene)
7. Lect : GI Diseases (Therapy)
8. Stages of Operation, instruments, stitching, and knots (Operative Surgery)
9. Urinary Tract Infections – examinations (Therapy)
10. Lect : Disorders of Coagulating System (PatPhys)
11. Chapter 1 X-ray (Radiology)
12. Antiarrhythmics and Anti-anginal drugs (Pharmacology)
13. Язва Органов Пишеварения Part II (Russian)
14. Lect : Erythron (PatPhys)
Radiology sucks ... 3Y2S01W = 3rd YEaR 2nd SemEstER 1st WeeK : )
Monday, January 29, 2007
3rd Year Timetable (Spring 2007)
Dear 3rd year students,
Get your timetable for the next spring 2007 semester here and enjoy the most tiring semester of the years !!!
Get your timetable for the next spring 2007 semester here and enjoy the most tiring semester of the years !!!
The learning curve ...
There are some (or maybe many) medical terms that we haven’t yet known or met, but as a student, we should take a few steps further to enrich our knowledge with the never-ending terms, eponyms, abbreviations, etc. and get used to it.
I am not sure whether this blog is an appropriate place to write down all the medical thingy that I’ve said earlier, but one thing that I know, I am actually trying to kill two birds or three with a stone if possible. When I do write, it makes me remember things lots easier and at the same time it may be helpful (or maybe not, who knows !!!) to all readers.
This post is just my two cents' worth of 'merapu' : ) (konon mcm nk naekkan smangatla sbb nk naek skolah dh) If you find any mistakes in any articles, please inform us, and we’ll try to fix them stat. Please do not hesitate to join the community guys !!!
P/S : I really need the seniors to participate and pour your brilliant knowledge here.
I am not sure whether this blog is an appropriate place to write down all the medical thingy that I’ve said earlier, but one thing that I know, I am actually trying to kill two birds or three with a stone if possible. When I do write, it makes me remember things lots easier and at the same time it may be helpful (or maybe not, who knows !!!) to all readers.
This post is just my two cents' worth of 'merapu' : ) (konon mcm nk naekkan smangatla sbb nk naek skolah dh) If you find any mistakes in any articles, please inform us, and we’ll try to fix them stat. Please do not hesitate to join the community guys !!!
P/S : I really need the seniors to participate and pour your brilliant knowledge here.
Leptin n Ghrelin
There are lots of hormones which influence the function of GIT and body’s metabolism. Two of them are leptin and ghrelin.
Leptin is a peptide hormone produced by adipose tissue in our body that tells us to stop eating (diminish appetite). It’s usually self-regulating, but in case we keep taking food even though we are not hungry, the condition leptin resistance may appear in which we won’t feel full after meal and we’ll crave more foods. This condition can be reverted by exercise and recreation. Leptin also contributes to the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and increases the storage of body fat.
Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone made in the stomach that stimulates the release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. It is secreted when our stomach’s empty and it makes our stomach growl and it stimulates appetite. Hehe… So, it is actually a bad habit to skip meals. Our brain will tell us to eat even more. You need to fill up your stomach to prevent this ghrelin making your stomach singing.
Find more information about leptin and ghrelin on the Wikipedia.
References: Reader’s Digest 11/06, Taber’s
Leptin is a peptide hormone produced by adipose tissue in our body that tells us to stop eating (diminish appetite). It’s usually self-regulating, but in case we keep taking food even though we are not hungry, the condition leptin resistance may appear in which we won’t feel full after meal and we’ll crave more foods. This condition can be reverted by exercise and recreation. Leptin also contributes to the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and increases the storage of body fat.
Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone made in the stomach that stimulates the release of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. It is secreted when our stomach’s empty and it makes our stomach growl and it stimulates appetite. Hehe… So, it is actually a bad habit to skip meals. Our brain will tell us to eat even more. You need to fill up your stomach to prevent this ghrelin making your stomach singing.
Find more information about leptin and ghrelin on the Wikipedia.
References: Reader’s Digest 11/06, Taber’s
Friday, January 26, 2007
Belch, burp, ructus, sedawa or отрыжка - is the act of emitting gas noisily from the stomach through our mouth and nose.
Eructation is the term used which describes the production of gas in the stomach with sound. For belching to occur, there must be an increase in gastric pressure followed by the relaxation of lower esophagus sphincter to balance the pressure in the stomach and esophagus. Relaxation of the upper esophagus sphincter allows the gas to escape though pharynx and mouth.
Belching may be caused by gastric fermentation, air swallowing, or ingestion of carbonated drinks or gas-producing foods (eg. cabbage, beans). Also you’ll get it by chewing gums and drinking with straw. You can find lots more information and links at Wikipedia about eructation.
Reference: Taber’s
Eructation is the term used which describes the production of gas in the stomach with sound. For belching to occur, there must be an increase in gastric pressure followed by the relaxation of lower esophagus sphincter to balance the pressure in the stomach and esophagus. Relaxation of the upper esophagus sphincter allows the gas to escape though pharynx and mouth.
Belching may be caused by gastric fermentation, air swallowing, or ingestion of carbonated drinks or gas-producing foods (eg. cabbage, beans). Also you’ll get it by chewing gums and drinking with straw. You can find lots more information and links at Wikipedia about eructation.
Reference: Taber’s
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Just because
This is of no academic relation and maybe too little too late but I would just like to wish everyone a very good luck for the winter finals especially to the 4th years who are facing the Sailormoon, the Grandma Olga (I heard she ain't so much of a grandma in the exam if you know what I mean), the hard-core Gndoyan a.k.a BW and probably the non-english speaking Ophthalmo Zaf. Kaf. tomorrow! All the best, and lets kick ass!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Questions' Variants for Microbe's Exam
Let's make a collection of Questions' Variants for Microbiology's Exam. I think this really will help students to make last minute preparation a day or two before the real examination's day. I don't know if the department actually changes the variants every year, but let's hope they aren't. Hehe ...
Ok, enough for the talking... Email me your variant no. and the questions of that particular variant. I would prefer the .doc file. Also you can YM (gizmo_pony) me. I will upload the variants to our files server and you can fetch it there. That's it.
Ok, enough for the talking... Email me your variant no. and the questions of that particular variant. I would prefer the .doc file. Also you can YM (gizmo_pony) me. I will upload the variants to our files server and you can fetch it there. That's it.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Ophthalmology: A Short Textbook

Author: Gerhard K. Lang / J. Amann
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Edition: 1st edition (October 15, 2000)
Paperback: 586 pages
The didactic concept of this book, grounded on years of teaching experience, considers all aspects of training:
- it allows easy studying through clear yet comprehensive coverage,
- easy memorizing by a well-structured presentation, and
- easy application through a clear distinction between symptoms and diagnosis, tabular presentation of major symptoms, and extensive indexing.
A role model for a pocket textbook designed for the study of the field of ophthalmology, extensively illustrated with high-quality color photographs and clear explanatory drawings
Ophthalmology A Short Textbook here
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition
Ni link untuk d/l buku Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition yang tebal tu.
E-book ni dalam format .pdf dan aku guna rapidshare sebab file ni besar sangat. untuk password taip sprmajujaya.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
E-book ni dalam format .pdf dan aku guna rapidshare sebab file ni besar sangat. untuk password taip sprmajujaya.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
Saturday, January 06, 2007
SPR's Free E-Books
kat sini SPR nak kongsi e book yang ade dlm koleksi kami. Buat sementara ni kami post e book dlm format .pdb je sebab format .pdf besar sangat. utk mase depan kami post link je le sebab lagi senang jimat mase. Utk .pdb punyer format korang kena guna isilo yang kami sertakan sekali. untuk password taip sprmajujaya
download kat sini
download isilo kat sini
download kat sini
download isilo kat sini
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