a radiography of a fetus in pregnant woman. This examination is considered hazardous nowadays, and this last film was taken here before the fall of Soviet Union empire in 1991 :)
Its unfortunate that not all of us get the chance to see all the X-ray film in classes..since some of the lecturers tend to hand out transparency and asked you to copy notes :)I however, was very lucky to get Jambang as my lecturer. Needless to say, he's so dedicated that on our 1st Hari RAya, we had to munch raya cookies while trying to diagnose an X-ray film of lung...
btw,here's are some pics I've compiled during our 3 weeks of Radiology cycle...I'm sorry I couldnt find the time to organise it by folders, and to compile a full description...some titles might be incorrect..so I hope u can make necessary improvement and alerts me..
one more thing, due to multiple no of files, I've decided to archive it into a .RAR file (Zipped format).so u can download it easily
pls note that the author......duh........tau kan apa aku nak cakap??
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