Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha dan juga Selamat Tahun Baru kepada semua pengunjung Sri Volga. Harapan saya semoga blog ini dapat dikekalkan dan dimeriahkan dengan penyertaan daripada semua pelajar VSMU khasnya, dan juga seluruh dunia amnya.
Selamat bercuti !!!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
VSMU Histology Slide Micropreparation - 1st series
Picture was taken during preparation for Histology exam 2004..
I suppose nothing much had changed since then..
Pictures are labelled.
Author apologize beforehand for any possible errors.
Improvement are recommended.Pls notes to authors.
This collection is the 1st series from several oncoming series... check out for new series to be published soon
Files in .RAR format..need to unzip
Get Histo Slide Series 1 here
Format in labelling
I suggest we labels all our post in such manner : SUBJECT, AUTHOR, YEAR the indexing process can goes on smoothly, and users will find it much easier to browse this blog
Electron Micrograph for Histology - 1st & 2nd year
I took my Histology exam almost 2 years ago, and while 2 years is actually a long enough time for a department to enhance their curricular, I doubt any Department in our university tend to do so :)
so as to say, this material I supposed is still relevant. So check them out !!!
p/s: During examination, not all lecturers will ask for details in Electron Micrograph, so you might want to put this pic a lil bit lower in your priority list
p/p/s: files in .RAR u need to unzip them b4 use
Check out Radiology stubs!! (1st sem 4th year)

a radiography of a fetus in pregnant woman. This examination is considered hazardous nowadays, and this last film was taken here before the fall of Soviet Union empire in 1991 :)
Its unfortunate that not all of us get the chance to see all the X-ray film in classes..since some of the lecturers tend to hand out transparency and asked you to copy notes :)I however, was very lucky to get Jambang as my lecturer. Needless to say, he's so dedicated that on our 1st Hari RAya, we had to munch raya cookies while trying to diagnose an X-ray film of lung...
btw,here's are some pics I've compiled during our 3 weeks of Radiology cycle...I'm sorry I couldnt find the time to organise it by folders, and to compile a full description...some titles might be I hope u can make necessary improvement and alerts me..
one more thing, due to multiple no of files, I've decided to archive it into a .RAR file (Zipped format).so u can download it easily
pls note that the author......duh........tau kan apa aku nak cakap??
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Special Pathology of Blood Circulatory System
These are notes from our text book 'internal disease an introductory course' by Alexander Rosinkin, done by my classmate Zubaidah, Ashikin and Nasrun. They cover
1. Aortic stenosis
2. Aortic incompetence
3. Bacterial endocarditis
4. Rheumatism
5. Ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis,angina pectoris)
6. Myocarditis, Cardiomyopathy
7. Stenosis of the left atrioventricular failure
The file 'acute and chronic heart failure syndrome' has already been uploaded by Helmi, you can get it from the same folder (therapy 3rd year).
Materials for Therapy (3rd year)
1. Aortic stenosis
2. Aortic incompetence
3. Bacterial endocarditis
4. Rheumatism
5. Ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis,angina pectoris)
6. Myocarditis, Cardiomyopathy
7. Stenosis of the left atrioventricular failure
The file 'acute and chronic heart failure syndrome' has already been uploaded by Helmi, you can get it from the same folder (therapy 3rd year).
Materials for Therapy (3rd year)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
For Mother Russia ...
Get your Russian's needs here !!!
Please use the materials at your own risk as the writers do not responsible for any mistakes that have been done intentionally / unintentionally.
Please use the materials at your own risk as the writers do not responsible for any mistakes that have been done intentionally / unintentionally.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Bioethics' Questions
Here are 15 questions for bioethics :
1. The origin of morals. Ethics as science.
2. Periods of medical ethics development.
3. Criteria of morality of the action. Moral and psychological regulators.
4. System of moral relations.
5. Life as a value. The necessity and the essence of bioethics.
6. Problem of moral responsibility for the life and health.
7. Bioethics and medicine. Models of interaction between a doctor and a patient.
8. Death as a value. Ethical aspects of dying.
9. Contemporary problems of bioethics in medicine.
10. Euthanasia.
11. Ethical problems in clinical trials.
12. Ethical problems of medical inteference into the reproductive sphere.
13. Ethics in psychiatry and psychotherapy.
14. Ethics in epidemiology (AIDS).
15. Principles of voluntary informed agreement.
Enjoy your exam (if you didn't get the avtomat like me !!!)
1. The origin of morals. Ethics as science.
2. Periods of medical ethics development.
3. Criteria of morality of the action. Moral and psychological regulators.
4. System of moral relations.
5. Life as a value. The necessity and the essence of bioethics.
6. Problem of moral responsibility for the life and health.
7. Bioethics and medicine. Models of interaction between a doctor and a patient.
8. Death as a value. Ethical aspects of dying.
9. Contemporary problems of bioethics in medicine.
10. Euthanasia.
11. Ethical problems in clinical trials.
12. Ethical problems of medical inteference into the reproductive sphere.
13. Ethics in psychiatry and psychotherapy.
14. Ethics in epidemiology (AIDS).
15. Principles of voluntary informed agreement.
Enjoy your exam (if you didn't get the avtomat like me !!!)
Prolong the good deed
Firstly, I would like to congratulate Khairul for this big effort.Remind me of Saidina Abu Bakar whom his house at the heaven is still yet to be finished for his 'pahala' from founding the da'wah is still continued.
I already contacted all my friends from Moscow,Nizhny,Kursk,Ukraine,UK,Ireland,Middle East,Japan,Australia,New Zealand and etc to visit this blog and also becoming the contributer. I hope what I did is right, if it is not, then just say so. I can redo this back.
By the way, don't worry. Other than my email and a little bit info to introduce myself, I did nothing more. Neither I want to associate it with anything nor I want to take credit from it. Nauzubillah, I just want to help and and I did mentioned your name firstly in every mail I gave. You found this thing and you deserve a lot more than this world can give you.
Besides, we are all Allah's servant. What we do is totally to regain His bless and certainly all of them is our ibadah. Let just work together to make this project as success as it can be and will be.
Looking forward to become a contributer and I will try my best to make this blog beyond thinking.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate Khairul for this big effort.Remind me of Saidina Abu Bakar whom his house at the heaven is still yet to be finished for his 'pahala' from founding the da'wah is still continued.
I already contacted all my friends from Moscow,Nizhny,Kursk,Ukraine,UK,Ireland,Middle East,Japan,Australia,New Zealand and etc to visit this blog and also becoming the contributer. I hope what I did is right, if it is not, then just say so. I can redo this back.
By the way, don't worry. Other than my email and a little bit info to introduce myself, I did nothing more. Neither I want to associate it with anything nor I want to take credit from it. Nauzubillah, I just want to help and and I did mentioned your name firstly in every mail I gave. You found this thing and you deserve a lot more than this world can give you.
Besides, we are all Allah's servant. What we do is totally to regain His bless and certainly all of them is our ibadah. Let just work together to make this project as success as it can be and will be.
Looking forward to become a contributer and I will try my best to make this blog beyond thinking.
Biochemistry Lecture
My biochemistry teacher is the lecturer himself. Eventough his english is not as good as Dmitri Nikalaivich or Marina Yurevna but still he did put his effort into making this lecture note. As our class is the only class that he tought so we are the only people who come to his room everyweek asking for the lecture note.
So here I would like to share around 20-24 file of lecture presentation that we collected from him. I just hope it will help. Take it from the folder biochemistry 2nd year ok!
Biochemistry 2nd Year
My biochemistry teacher is the lecturer himself. Eventough his english is not as good as Dmitri Nikalaivich or Marina Yurevna but still he did put his effort into making this lecture note. As our class is the only class that he tought so we are the only people who come to his room everyweek asking for the lecture note.
So here I would like to share around 20-24 file of lecture presentation that we collected from him. I just hope it will help. Take it from the folder biochemistry 2nd year ok!
About Files Server
Ok, I would like to give brief details about what actually we can do with our current files server at It is registered under my name for free, it has 1GB storage with unlimited bandwidth, but with few disadvantages like for example we can't download a file at the same time (only 1 download is allowed per file), limited uploading / downloading speed, etc.
You are allowed to upload any related useful medical materials but please upload them to appropriate folders and if you think there is a need to make a new folder, just tell me and I'll do it ASAP. In case there is no suitable folder for your stuffs, just leave it inside the 'Unclassified'. To access to the Files Server, simply click it at the Links' section.
You are allowed to upload any related useful medical materials but please upload them to appropriate folders and if you think there is a need to make a new folder, just tell me and I'll do it ASAP. In case there is no suitable folder for your stuffs, just leave it inside the 'Unclassified'. To access to the Files Server, simply click it at the Links' section.
Purely Associated !!!
I think the title did tell you everything !!! I am purely associated with 'freedom', eheh. And I am totally agreed that this blog to be not under any official organisations or let say, I want Sri Volga to be a freelance portal, blog, for our own sake and our own use. So please guys, no more fight but write ... Hehe.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Dmitri's Therapy Lectures
I don't know about you, but I think our dekan Dmitri Nikoilavich is one of the few good lecturers here in our uni, language wise. And as far as therapy is concerned, he's my role model. Haha.
Anyways, here are some recordings of his lectures that I compiled during my 3rd year study. They are unfortunately in .wav format which I am told to equal 10 times larger to corresponding files in mp3 format. So before I find the proper time and software to convert them, I guess these will do for now.
Arterial hypertension part 1 & part 2 (posle peririv) Acute Hear failure part 1 & part 2
I do however have more e.g Pneumothorax, Lung Abscess and ECG lessons from Mdm Irina, but I think I would prefer to have them available in mp3 format so that it'll take less time (and money) to be downloaded. Although if you wish to get them a.s.a.p, let me know and I'll gladly share them.
FYI, these were recorded using my mp3 player I placed next to me in the lecture so you will hear a lot of hissing, babbling and sniffling (by me) in the background haha! But anyways, I believe that these can be very useful especially to those who do not attend his lectures (although I can't see the reason why because he's good!), those that didn't get the chance to finish writing down notes from the slides, and particularly those who couldn't manage to jot down his teeny weeny yet very important extra verbal notes which he might ask during practical and theoretical exam. Plus, be sure not to miss his 'funny' medical jokes in some of these records. Haha.
Anyways, here are some recordings of his lectures that I compiled during my 3rd year study. They are unfortunately in .wav format which I am told to equal 10 times larger to corresponding files in mp3 format. So before I find the proper time and software to convert them, I guess these will do for now.
I do however have more e.g Pneumothorax, Lung Abscess and ECG lessons from Mdm Irina, but I think I would prefer to have them available in mp3 format so that it'll take less time (and money) to be downloaded. Although if you wish to get them a.s.a.p, let me know and I'll gladly share them.
FYI, these were recorded using my mp3 player I placed next to me in the lecture so you will hear a lot of hissing, babbling and sniffling (by me) in the background haha! But anyways, I believe that these can be very useful especially to those who do not attend his lectures (although I can't see the reason why because he's good!), those that didn't get the chance to finish writing down notes from the slides, and particularly those who couldn't manage to jot down his teeny weeny yet very important extra verbal notes which he might ask during practical and theoretical exam. Plus, be sure not to miss his 'funny' medical jokes in some of these records. Haha.
Let it be unofficial
An unofficial sites like this..where a bunch of brain get together and discuss things without any bureaucracy is really cool actually..
its like we're forming our own underground band..or whatsoever
so I really (personally) agaisnt any attempt to put this "good-samaritan" effort under whatever student association is it out it UMNO ke..PPIM ke..BKP ke....let this one be out of whatever sphere ..and be purely academical
thanks for listening me out
its like we're forming our own underground band..or whatsoever
so I really (personally) agaisnt any attempt to put this "good-samaritan" effort under whatever student association is it out it UMNO ke..PPIM ke..BKP ke....let this one be out of whatever sphere ..and be purely academical
thanks for listening me out
Pulmonology - Auscultation sounds
My first contribution. Many thanks to gizmo_pony for the invitation. I hope whatever I put up here will be of good use. All the best to all!
Here are 66 mp3 files with relation to auscultation sounds in pulmonology that I got during my 3rd year study. Most of the now 4th year batch students have a complete copy but I'm making this available here for those who have not and for, well, everyone. Please be aware that these are classic auscultatation sounds and real sounds can more or less differ in real patients and between individual patients so do use them wisely and at your own risk. I hope I won't get sued for the redistribution!
Pulmonology - Auscultation sounds
Good luck!
Here are 66 mp3 files with relation to auscultation sounds in pulmonology that I got during my 3rd year study. Most of the now 4th year batch students have a complete copy but I'm making this available here for those who have not and for, well, everyone. Please be aware that these are classic auscultatation sounds and real sounds can more or less differ in real patients and between individual patients so do use them wisely and at your own risk. I hope I won't get sued for the redistribution!
Pulmonology - Auscultation sounds
Good luck!
Thanks !
Thanks to all contributors. For those who care to join, you are all invited to be the author of this blog by emailing me at
Thanks again ...
Thanks again ...
Materials for Theraphy (3rd year)
Mostly are Case History sample...and some notes on Symptoms n Syndromes...for 3rd year study only...most of the value,procedure , n case history standard is far lag behind for 4th year study my opinion though
Materials for Therapy (3rd year)
Materials for Therapy (3rd year)
Internal Disease Short notes (4th year)
One of the most comprehensive short notes I've ever composed is mainly in guide with Kumar & Clark : Int Medicine..and some of the tables and Standard Value is in correspondence with Russian Academy of Science value
Note however there might be a slight differences according to your lecturer..always use this material as a guide and not your examination answering scheme !! :)
My Internal Dis (4th year) short notes
Note however there might be a slight differences according to your lecturer..always use this material as a guide and not your examination answering scheme !! :)
My Internal Dis (4th year) short notes
Sample for Pathophysiology Presentation (3rd year)
I'm aware its pretty hard to find materials on this subject..since the evolution of it is mainly conquered by the Russian..and presto!!! the Russian books n materials...
it can get worse when suddenly you need to compose a presentation !! this is some of the sample I've made during my 3rd year study..pls feel free to use it ..but do care for Copyright and Plagiarism
Presentation sample for Pathophysiology (3rd year)
note : use this material at your own risk. Author will not take any responsibility for future outcomings.
it can get worse when suddenly you need to compose a presentation !! this is some of the sample I've made during my 3rd year study..pls feel free to use it ..but do care for Copyright and Plagiarism
Presentation sample for Pathophysiology (3rd year)
note : use this material at your own risk. Author will not take any responsibility for future outcomings.
HOLA from a new author :)
I was offered the chance to share some of my materials here by the originial author (Sdr gizmo_pony)...and here are some stuff I've uploaded...mostly are short notes I composed for my own usage..while others are Digitalized material from text book (whatever that means..)
pls note that by using this material , u are fully responsible for it usage , and the author would not take any responsibilities for other future shortcomings :)
Republishing n redistributing is allowed, as long as copyright n no plagiarism is involved. Note however, any improvement edition is highly recommended.
GOod luck !!! :?)
pls note that by using this material , u are fully responsible for it usage , and the author would not take any responsibilities for other future shortcomings :)
Republishing n redistributing is allowed, as long as copyright n no plagiarism is involved. Note however, any improvement edition is highly recommended.
GOod luck !!! :?)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
3rd Pharmacology Concluding
I provide the links below for downloading the answers' scheme for 3rd pharmacology concluding and for the prescription writing. Please use the materials at your own risk as the writers do not responsible for any mistakes that have been done intentionally / unintentionally.
3rd Pharmacology Concluding Scheme
Prescription Writing 3rd Concluding
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all readers.
As for the very 1st post, I would like to take a chance to introduce myself and to tell what this blog is all about. I am just a humble medical student and currently studying in Volgograd. This blog is dedicated for the publishing of informative medical tutorials / essays / articles and that's all. You're invited to give comments / suggestions in any aspects that you think will make this blog better.
See ya ...
As for the very 1st post, I would like to take a chance to introduce myself and to tell what this blog is all about. I am just a humble medical student and currently studying in Volgograd. This blog is dedicated for the publishing of informative medical tutorials / essays / articles and that's all. You're invited to give comments / suggestions in any aspects that you think will make this blog better.
See ya ...
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