Sunday, May 27, 2007

Weekly Topics 3Y2S16W

What I have learnt on the 16th week (21/05/07-26/05/07)

1. Treatments for Surgical Infections (General Surgery)
2. Tuberculosis and Syphilis (PatAnat)
3. Concluding Session (General Hygiene)
4. Concluding Session : Upper Extremities (Operative Surgery)
5. ECG : Revision (Therapy)
6. Anti-viral Agents and Anti-tumors (Pharmacology)
7. Practical Exam (Ambulance)
8. Нефрит (Russian)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Weekly Topics 3Y2S15W

What I have learnt on the 15th week (14/05/07-19/05/07)

1. Objective Test (General Surgery)
2. Children's diseases (PatAnat)
3. История Больного (Russian)
4. Diseases of the Heart (PatPhys)
5. Food Poisoning (General Hygiene)
6. Wrist, Hand and Elbow Joint (Operative Surgery)
7. Objective Test (Therapy)
8. Lect : Urbanization (General Hygiene)
9. Anti-protozoal and Anti-helminthic agents (Pharmacology)
10. История Настоящего Заболевания (Russian)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Weekly Topics 3Y2S14W

What I have learnt on the 14th week (07/05/07-12/05/07)

1. Viral and Bacterial Infections (PatAnat)
2. Щитовидная Железа (Russian)
3. Renal Diseases (PatPhys)
4. Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session (Radiology)
6. Synthetic Anti-microbial Agents. Anti-TB and Anti-syphilis (Pharmacology)
7. Щитовидная Железа Part II (Russian)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Weekly Topics 3Y2S13W

What I have learnt on the 13th week (02/05/07-05/05/07)

1. Diet of Medical Students Part III and assignments (General Hygiene)
2. Lect : Hemoblastosis (Therapy)
3. Forearm + Video - Osteosynthesis (Operative Surgery)
4. Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism (Therapy)
5. Concluding Session : Metabolic profiles n Endocrine (Pharmacology)
6. Watching TV (новости) heh … (Russian)